Review 2019

Dear friends, customers, supporters and fans. It’s September and I am ready to review the first 9 months of this year

I can look back on a busy, sometimes difficult few months. Never the less I feel a deep satisfaction for what has been achieved.


After finishing my studies and training at GMYT Fashion Academy, I finally received the award at the end of 2018. In the meantime I started to build up my own fashion label; this has been my long term dream.


I had to organise and install a workshop with lighting, tables sewing machines, etc.

Dress making

My mind is always full of ideas. To realise them a lot of sketching, cutting and sawing work kept me busy, very often through whole nights. While spending daytime on the market searching for the right material. I only choose quality fabrics that doesn’t loose colour and shape by using and washing.
Beside of that I had to take care of my family, specially of sweet daughter. Not to mention the household that keeps you busy.
To keep it short, there was more work than hands. I decided to employ workers. Sometimes I had up to four tailors to assist me.


I started to post my work in Instagram and Facebook, without really knowing the name that my label would have. It was a process during several weeks maybe months until I got it: O’BAMESO Fashionart. Obameso is my African name for those who don’t know. I chose this name because Africa is the root inspiration of my work. Fashionart is simply because in my opinion making fashion is making art.

Once you have the name you need a logo. The golden line in the logo is in fact the silhouette of the most remarkable mountain in the village of Somorika where I come from. This is a reference to my origin.

Now I could order business cards, bags and textile labels to mark the cloth I produced.

The most effective advertisement were personal contacts and mouth to mouth promotion. No wonder my first customers were mostly friends and people from my personal environment. Thank you all so much. You gave, and still give me, the opportunity to improve. Your compliments and constructive critics encourage me.

One high-light of this year was definitely the fashion show in St. Gallen during the ‘Begegnungstag’. Around ten models presented my fashion on stage on the central market place.

In the market

I attend two markets in Switzerland, three days each. Financially not so successful but I gained lot’s of experience and inspiration. Not to mention the interesting and lovely contacts I was able to make especially at ‘Afropfingsten’.
So all in all successful. I look forward to be part of the market next year.

Outlook 2020

The year 2019 was the one of establishment. Next year I want to consolidate my achievements and make a step forward.
By the end of 2019 O’BAMESO fashionart will be a registered company in Nigeria, this will give me more opportunities in the Nigerian market.

I’ll will release a collection of new designs. With the experience of 2019 in mind I will be more focused on less segments than 2018.


At this point I would like to express my deepest thanks.
First of all to the almighty God who gave me the strength and courage to come so far.
To my family for their understanding and ongoing support.
To my acquaintances, supporters and fans, for the friendship, encouragement, support and patronage.

It is my wish to offer you my best work in 2020.

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